
Through 6 vibrant semesters, the Bachelor’s programme in Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering will provide you with the following core competencies:

1 – Diagnosis of mechanical systems to identify their strong/weak points and propose improvements

  • Knowledge of the conventions and rules in Mechanical Design; ability to read, understand and use technical documents.
  • Contribution to the definition of experimental tests and analysis of measurement results.
  • Identification of defects, failures, and analysis of their causes.
  • Capability to compare and assess one mechanical system with respect to other similar systems.

2– Design and develop mechanical systems particularly in the aeronautical sector

  • Capability to find technological solutions or ways to improve a technological solution from the literature.
  • Know how to select materials for mechanical systems taking into account their functional constraints.
  • Pre-design and design of mechanical systems.
  • Know how to utilize common CAD software codes.
  • Propose technological solutions and integrate manufacturing constraints.
  • Knowledge of the main topics and technological challenges in the aeronautical sector.

3– Project work

  • Participate effectively in technical individual and team projects.
  • Define and follow technical specifications while considering financial constraints.
  • Define project schedules with validation of intermediate phases.
  • Contribute actively to teamwork.
  • Produce technical documents.
  • Present and defend a project (oral presentations and written reports).

4- Cooperate with colleagues from other Engineering specialties

  • Know how to use the standard Mathematical Tools in Engineering.
  • Acquire the fundamentals in Electrical Engineering.
  • Know how to apply the fundamentals in Thermodynamics and Energetics.
  • Ability to cooperate with multi-disciplinary teams and networks.

5 - Work in a multicultural environment and master French and English

  • Ability to communicate in French and English in a professional context.
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and adapt to various cultures.
  • Gain awareness of the legal issues associated with international cooperation.

6– Develop a personal and professional project

  • Establish a personal portfolio of professional experience and competencies.
  • Define objectives and strategies for one’s career and personal evolutions.
  • Position companies and organizations in a socio-economic context.
  • Identify one’s position in a hierarchical and professional environment.
  • Be aware of the main issues related to sustainable development, economic intelligence, and security, particularly in the aeronautical sector.