Student Life


Lyon is voted the 6th best city for students in France! (


Student life in Lyon is vibrant and dynamic! Here are some of the best parts about living in this city:

  • Beautiful architecture, from Roman baths, to 19th century cathedrals, to modern museums
  • Two rivers joining in the heart of the city: perfect for running along, as well as taking an apero while watching the sunset
  • 2h by train to the Mediterranean Sea, 2h by train to the Alps, 2h by train to Paris
  • Excellent quality museums, historical landmarks and sightseeing
  • Cultural diversity
  • Great public transportation such as Tramways, Buses, Metros, and Cable Cars (TCL) as well as bikes at your disposal (Velo'V)

Sunrise from ECAM campus 

A few pictures around Lyon

Near Gare de Part Dieu 

Around the city